Ethics and integrity policies | CaixaBank

Ethics and integrity policies

We promote an ethical and transparent culture among all our professionals.

The integrity of our professionals and actions based on the highest ethics and transparency standards with our shareholders, customers, investors and society as a whole, govern the way we relate to each other and to the environment in which we operate.

Respect for Human Rights, which is an integral part of the Group's corporate values, underlines our way of acting. We also have our own Code of Conduct  to regulate our behavioural model in all our activities and operations.

Principles of conduct

Compliance with laws and regulations




Excellence and professionalism


Social responsibility

The Code of Conduct is the highest-level standard, providing meaning to all other rules and guiding the behaviour of the people who make up CaixaBank: employees, executives and members of Governing Bodies.

This Code influences the internal relationships in the company and the external ones with customers, suppliers and society in general. Through it, we conform to the highest national and international standards and wholly reject any kind of practice that is contrary to ethics and to the general working principles contained in the Code.

Based on the principles and values in this Code, CaixaBank has developed a series of Standards of Conduct that apply to all the companies that comprise the CaixaBank Group. These include:

Both the Code Ethics and the Policies are subject to review once every two years, with the possibility of updating at any time if the need is identified and it is duly motivated.

As a result of the commitment to promote a responsible culture, at CaixaBank we have the following certifications:

UNE-ISO 37301:2021: Certification of Compliance Management Systems.

UNE 19601:2017: Certification of Criminal Management Systems.

ISO 37001:2016: Certification of Anti-bribery Management Systems.

For more information on other policies and documents, see the following sections:

Corporate policies and other corporate documents

Corporate Internal Code of Conduct