Materiality and dialogue

Communication and dialogue are essential if we are to promote the progress of people, groups and territories. 

Our way of relating to our stakeholders (customers, investors, analysts, employees, social agents and suppliers) always starts with listening to them, learning about their opinions and needs, talking to them and trying to make things happen.

In order to identify and prioritise those fields that could have significant impacts on Environmental, Social and Governance issues, we carry out an annual Materiality Study, the conclusions of which provide guidelines for the management of the Company's Sustainability Strategy and Strategic Plan, and determine the correct scale of the information to be reported.

The 2023 Materiality Study has continued evolving towards the perspective of double materiality by incorporating the main methodological recommendations. Similarly, the company will continue working this year to adapt the Study to the requirements set out in the new CSRD(1) and the ESRS(2) in keeping with the guidelines of EFRAG(3) that are publicly available at the time of the Study.

Learn about the phases of the study 

We have consolidated the overall results of prioritization for the business and for the CaixaBank and BPI stakeholders in a materiality matrix that integrates the double perspective of impact: impact of the issues on the financial situation (outside-in) and on the groups of interest and the planet (inside-out).

To determine the impact of material topics on stakeholders, surveys and direct interviews were carried out involving a wide spectrum of groups, including customers, retail shareholders, employees, suppliers and experts. In addition, for the first time a survey was conducted of the public that involved customers and non-customers (the hierarchy of the stakeholders was determined using the weights in CaixaBank's General Reputation Index (IGR)).

To determine the impact of material topics on the business, an online survey was administered to executives, members of Group companies and subsidiaries, and members and participants of CaixaBank's Sustainability Committee.

(zoom: + of 60% relevance)


Very high: > 90%

High: 80%-90%

Medium: 70%-79%








Download CaixaBank Group 2023 Materiality Matrix

Cybersecurity and data protection and financial soundness and profitability are the two issues with the highest impact on the consolidated rating of the stakeholders' and business' results.

All the topics continue to have a high score (of at least 76%). Of all of them, only three are at a medium-impact level: environmental management and operational carbon footprint, access to microfinancing and solutions with a social impact and alliances to promote sustainability.

Learn about main aspects and identification of impacts, risks and opportunities .

Channels for communication and dialogue

Starting from the concerns of our stakeholders and with the aim of cultivating fair relations, based on the benefit of all parties and continuing over time, CaixaBank has opted for the use of clear language and a closer, more real and more transparent way of communicating through the different systems and channels we use to reach our stakeholders.


At CaixaBank, we seek to promote active communication with customers and to offer them the channels necessary to send their enquiries and complaints in order to offer them a quick, personalised, quality response.

The opinions of customers are mainly gathered through the Customer Experience Measurement Model, the Global Reputation Index and Materiality Analysis.

And through the Customer Contact Center and Customer Service Department, we handle enquiries and complaints from users.

Shareholders and institutional investors

At CaixaBank, we work to justify the trust that shareholders and investors have placed in us and, as far as possible, to meet their needs and expectations. To do this, we seek to offer tools and channels to facilitate communication, their involvement in the Group and the exercise of their rights as owners.

CaixaBank received the Fifth Manuel Olivencia Award for Good Corporate Governance, which distinguishes the best practices of governance of companies listed in Spain.


We offer clear, complete and accurate information to markets and shareholders, including financial and non-financial aspects of the business, and encourage informed participation at the General Shareholders Meetings.

We also organise training and information initiatives for shareholders and take their ideas into account through annual opinion surveys (Global Reputation Index and Materiality Analysis, among others). . 

Information is made available to shareholders through the monthly newsletter, corporate event emails (reaching more than 200,000 shareholders), SMS alerts and other options for them to subscribe via the corporate website.

Materials for financial education are also produced and specific courses are held.

Shareholders' area

Economic and financial information

Institutional investors

CaixaBank organises roadshows and meetings with institutional investors. An investor diary has been created to provide details of significant dates in CaixaBank's corporate calendar and activities of interest to shareholders and investors.


Meetings with national and foreign institutions investing in equity and fixed-income


Meetings on ESG issues with specific investors


Reports by analysts on CaixaBank published, including sector reports with analyses of CaixaBank


The continuous improvement of relations with suppliers is key to creating value at CaixaBank. We therefore seek to establish quality relationships with suppliers who share our ethical principles and social commitment.

In line with our business strategy, the aim is to obtain goods and services of the quantity and quality we need, within an acceptable timeframe, at the lowest total cost and with the minimum risk for our business, according to responsible, sustainable procurement practices and applying unified criteria for the whole Group.

In 2023, the processes for approving, bidding and contracting part of the purchasing process were reviewed in order to reinforce the integration of ESG aspects into the process. These aspects are added to the economic and technical criteria, with the aim of adding value in the process of selecting the best supplier.

The management of procurement through electronic negotiation reflects CaixaBank's desire to guarantee traceability and integrity in the contracting process.

Electronic negotiation begins with the approval of all the suppliers involved and ensures that, during the process, information will be the same for all participants and selection will be based on objective criteria.

Since 2020, new certifications have been taken into account when approving suppliers with regard to corporate social responsibility: OHSAS18001/ISO45000 certification and SA8000/BSCI/Responsible Business Alliance certification and/or social audit. Contracts with suppliers also include a specific clause dealing with Human Rights.


Suppliers certified in social and environmental management


% of purchase categories with an environmental impact have environmental requirements

More in Procurement and Suppliers


CaixaBank's internal communication focuses mainly on:

Promoting and tackling the Strategic Plan's challenges and business priorities.

Transmitting our corporate values as a differentiating factor.

Recognising and reinforcing good professional practice.

Promoting our corporate culture and the pride of belonging.

CaixaBank staff have a new social intranet, PeopleNow, which constitutes a lever for Digital and Cultural Transformation, encouraging participation by employees, improving their experience and working towards modern, visual, multi-platform, participatory communication (mobile-first).

It brings together business, corporate and social content in a smart, modern space in which all staff have a profile to develop their personal “brand” and participate in communities according to their area of influence, as well as subscribing to information channels according to their interests. 

In 2023, the main areas of action were to promote:

  • Closer relations in the Entity, leveraging the full potential of CaixaBank’s teams and professionals in alignment with our brand purpose.
  • The internal communication strategies developed in support of the implementation of the Human Resources Strategic Projects., such as the new People Xperience platform, the new Skills Review and AHEAD Review processes, the launch of the new Employee Office and the We are Healthy initiatives, among others.
  • Internal communication, especially among management, of the We Plan.

We also set up external committees with workers' representatives, hold face-to-face training, biannual opinion surveys and follow-up surveys, and we have a programme for the induction of new employees, CaixaBank Experience, and a confidential channel for queries and complaints regarding the Code of Ethics.

More in Our People

Dialogue with associations, affiliations and alliances