Committees of Board of Directors

CaixaBank currently has an Executive Committee, the Appointments and Sustainability Committee, the Audit and Control Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Risk Committee and the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee.

Executive Committee

Article 39 of the By-laws and article 13 of the Regulations of the Board describe the organisation and operation of the Executive Committee.


The composition of the Executive Committee must include at least two non-executive Directors, one of them being an independent Director.
The Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Directors will also be the Chairman and Secretary of the Executive Committee.

Name and surname Post Nature Date of first appointment
Tomás Muniesa Chairman Proprietary

01-01-2018 (2)(6)

Gonzalo Gortázar Vocal Executive

30-06-2014 (1)(5)

Eduardo Javier Sanchiz Vocal Independent


Eva Castillo Vocal Independent


María Amparo Moraleda Vocal Independent

24-04-2014 (3)(5)

Koro Usarraga Vocal Independent

22-05-2020 (4)

Óscar Calderón Non-director Secretary --


Óscar Figueres First Deputy Secretary (non-director) --


(1) Reelected on 23 April 2015 and 5 April 2019.
(2) Reelected on 6 April 2018 and 8 April 2022.
(3) Reelected on 5 April 2019.
(4) Reelected on 14 May 2021.
(5) Reelected on 31 March 2023.
(6) Appointed Chairman on October 30, 2024, with effect from January 1, 2025.

Regulation and operation

The Board's permanent delegation of powers to this Committee will require a vote in favour from at least two-thirds of the Board members.

The appointment of members of the Executive Committee and the permanent delegation of powers from the Board on the same will require the favourable vote of at least two thirds of the members of the Board of Directors.

The resolutions of the Committee will be adopted by the majority of the members attending the meeting in person or represented by proxy and will be validated and binding without the need for later ratification by the full Board of Directors, notwithstanding that spelled out in article 4.5 of the Regulations of the Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee will inform the Board of the main matters it addresses and the decisions it makes thereon at its meetings.

For more information access the Annual Corporate Governance Report.


The Executive Committee has been delegated all of the responsibilities and powers available to it both legally and under the Company’s articles of association. For internal purposes, the Executive Committee is subject to the limitations set out in Article 4 of the Regulations of the Board of Directors.

For more information on the Executive Committee and its functions, see the section Regulations of the Board of Directors

Appointments and Sustainability Commitee

Article 40 of the By-laws and article 15 of the Regulations of the Board of Directors and applicable legislation describe the organisation and operation of the Appointments and Sustainability Committee.


The Appointments and Sustainability Commitee will comprise a number of non-executive directors determined by the Board of Directors, subject to a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) members.

The committee’s Chairman will be appointed from among the independent directors sitting on the committee.

Name and surname Post Nature Date of first appointment
María Amparo Moraleda Chairwoman Independent

17-02-2022 (1)(3)

Eduardo Javier Sanchiz Vocal Independent

22-05-2020 (2)

Francisco Javier Campo Vocal Independent


Fernando María Ulrich Vocal Other external


Peter Löscher Vocal Independent


Óscar Calderón Non-director Secretary --


Óscar Figueres First Deputy Secretary (non-director) --


(1) Appointed Chairwoman on 31 March 2023.
(2) Reelected member of the Board of Director on 8 April 2022.
(3) Reelected member of the Board of Director on 31 March 2023.

Regulation and operation

The Appointments and Sustainability Committee is self-governing and it may appoint a Chair and a Secretary. If no Secretary is appointed, the Secretary of the Board or any of the Deputy Secretaries of the Board shall act as Committee Secretary.

The committee shall meet as often as needed to ensure the full and timely performance of its duties and meetings will be called by its Chairman, either on their own initiative or when requested by 2 committee members. The Chairman must call a meeting whenever the Board or its Chairman requests that a report be issued or a resolution carried.

The Committee is validly constituted when a majority of its members are in attendance, and its resolutions are carried by the majority of attending members.


Its duties include the following:

  • Evaluating and proposing to the Board of Directors the assessment of skills, knowledge and experience required of Board members and key personnel at the Bank.
  • Submitting to the Board of Directors suggested candidates for the position of independent directors to be appointed by co-option or for submission to the decision of the Annual General Meeting, as well as proposals relating to the reappointment or removal of such directors at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Reporting on the appointment and, as the case may be, dismissal of the Lead Director, the Secretary and the Deputy Secretaries for approval by the Board of Directors.
  • Report on proposals for appointment or removal of senior executives, being able to effect such proposals directly in the case of senior managers which due to their roles of either control or support of the Board or its Committees, it is considered by the Committee that it should take the initiative. Propose, if deemed appropriate, basic conditions in senior executives' contracts, outside the remuneration aspects and reporting on them when they have been established.
  • Examining and organising, in collaboration with the Chairman of the Board of Directors and with the support of the Lead Director, the succession of the Chairman and of the Bank’s chief executive and, as the case may be, sending proposals to the Board of Directors so as to ensure that the succession process is suitably planned and takes place in orderly fashion.
  • Report to the Board on gender diversity issues, and establish a representation target for the less represented sex on the Board of Directors as well as preparing guidelines for how this should be achieved, in any case endeavouring to ensure compliance with the diversity policy applied to the Board of Directors, which will be informed of in the Annual Corporate Governance Report
  • Periodically evaluating, at least once a year, the structure, size, composition and actions of the Board of Directors and of its committees, its Chairman, CEO and Secretary, while making recommendations regarding possible changes to these. Here, the committee shall act under the direction of the Lead Director when assessing the performance of the Chairman. The committee shall also evaluate the composition of the Management Committee as well as its replacement lists to ensure proper coverage as members come and go.
  • Periodically review the Board of Directors selection and appointment policy in relation to senior executives and make recommendations.
  • Supervise compliance with the policies and rules of the Company regarding environmental and social matters, evaluating and reviewing such policies and rules periodically so that they may fulfill their mission of promoting the corporate interest and take into account, as appropriate, the legitimate interests of other stakeholders, and to submit to the Board those proposals it deems appropriate in this matter., and submit the sustainability/corporate responsibility policy for its approval. The Committee will also supervise that the Company's environmental and social practices are in line with the strategy and policies established by the Board.
  • Notify, prior to their submission to the Board of Directors, the reports that the Company makes public in the area of sustainability, including the review of the non-financial information contained in its annual management report; the socioeconomic impact report and the socially responsible banking master plan, ensuring the integrity of its content and compliance with applicable legislation and international benchmarks.

For more information on the Appointments and Sustainability Committee and its duties, please see the section on Regulations of the Board of Directors.

For more information access the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Audit and Control Committee

Articles 40 and 14 of the By-laws and Regulations of the Board of Directors and applicable legislation describe the organisation and operation of the Audit and Control Committee.


The Audit and Control Committee will be composed exclusively of non-executive directors, in the number that is determined by the Board of Directors, subject to a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7). Most of the members of the Audit and Control Committee shall be independent and one (1) of them shall be appointed on the basis of their knowledge and experience of accounting or auditing, or both.

Meanwhile, the Board of Directors shall ensure that members of the Audit and Control Committee, and especially its Chairman, have knowledge and experience in accounting, auditing or risk management matters, and in any other fields that may aid the Audit and Control Committee in discharging all the duties entrusted to it.

As a whole, and without prejudice to the obligation to ensure suitable levels of diversity, the members of the Audit and Control Committee will be designated in view of the time and dedication needed to perform the duties entrusted to them and will possess the relevant technical knowledge and expertise in relation to the Bank’s business activities.

The Audit and Control Committee shall appoint a Chairman from among its independent members. The Chairman must be replaced every four (4) years and may be re-elected once a period of one 1 year has transpired from his departure. The Chairman of the committee shall act as its spokesperson at meetings of the Board of Directors and, as the case may be, at the Bank’s Annual General Meeting.

Name and surname Post Nature Date of first appointment
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz Chairman Independent

01-02-2018 (1)(2)

Francisco Javier Campo Vocal Independent


Cristina Garmendia Vocal Independent

22-05-2020 (4)

Teresa Santero Vocal Propietary


José Serna Vocal Propietary

23-03-2017 (3)

Óscar Calderón Non-director Secretary --


Óscar Figueres First Deputy Secretary (non-director) --


(1) Appointed Chairman on 31 March 2023.
(2) Reelected member of the Board of Director on 6 April 2018 and 8 April 2022.
(3) Reelected member of the Board of Director on 14 May 2021.
(4) Reelected member of the Board of Director on 31 March 2023.

Regulation and operation

The Committee meets quarterly, as a general rule, but also whenever considered appropriate for the sound performance of its duties. The meetings are convened by the Chair of the Committee, either on his/her own initiative, or when requested by 2 members of the Committee.

In order to carry out its duties, the Committee must have adequate, relevant and sufficient access to any information or documentation held by the Company, and it may request: (i) the attendance and collaboration of the members of the Company's management team or personnel; (ii) The attendance of the Company's auditors to deal with specific points of the agenda for which they have been convened; and (iii) advice from external experts when it deems it necessary.

The Committee has set up an effective communication channel with its spokespersons, which will normally be the Committee Chair with the Company management and, in particular, the finance department; the head of internal audits; and the main auditor responsible for account auditing. The Committee is validly constituted when a majority of its members are in attendance, and its resolutions are carried by the majority of attending members.


Its duties include the following:

  • Reporting to the Annual General Meeting on matters raised by shareholders that fall within the committee’s remit and, in particular, on the result of the audit, explaining how this has contributed to the integrity of the financial information and the committee’s role in this process.
  • Monitoring the process of preparing and ensuring the integrity of the financial information on the Bank and, as the case may be, the Group, by reviewing the Bank’s accounts, checking for compliance with legal provisions and ensuring an accurate demarcation of the consolidation perimeter and the correct application of generally accepted accounting principles.
  • Striving to ensure that the Board of Directors is able to present the Bank’s annual financial statements at the Annual General Meeting without limitations or qualifications in the auditor’s report. In the exceptional case that qualifications exist, both the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the auditors should give a clear account to shareholders of their scope and content.
  • Reporting in advance to the Board of Directors on the financial and related non-financial information that the Bank must periodically release to the markets and its supervisory bodies.
  • Supervising the effectiveness of the internal control systems and discussing with the auditor any significant weaknesses in the internal control system that may have been detected during the audit, all this without compromising the auditor’s independence. For such purposes, and if appropriate, it may submit recommendations or proposals to the Board of Directors and the corresponding deadline for their follow-up.
  • Supervising the effectiveness of the internal audit function and establishing and overseeing a mechanism whereby Bank or Group employees may confidentially and, if deemed appropriate, anonymously report any irregularities of potential significance –especially financial and accounting irregularities– they may observe within the Bank. It shall likewise receive periodic information on how the system is operating and may propose suitable courses of action to improve and reduce the risk of any such irregularities arising in future.

For more information on the Audit and Control Committee and its duties, please see the section on Regulations of the Board of Directors.

For more information access the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Remuneration Committee

Articles 40 and 15 of the By-laws and Regulations of the Board and applicable legislation describe the organisation and operation of the Remuneration Committee.


The Remuneration Committee will comprise a number of non-executive directors determined by the Board of Directors, subject to a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) members. A majority of its members must be independent.

The Chairman of the committee will be appointed from among the independent directors sitting on the committee.

Name and surname Post Nature Date of first appointment
Eva Castillo Chairwoman Independent

31-03-2023 (1)

Joaquín Ayuso Vocal Independent


Cristina Garmendia Vocal Independent

22-05-2020 (2)

José Serna Vocal Propietary

30-03-2021 (3)

Koro Usarraga Vocal Independent


Óscar Calderón Non-director Secretary --


Óscar Figueres First Deputy Secretary (non-director) --


(1) Appointed Chairwoman on 31 March 2023.
(2) Reelected member on 31 March 2023.
(3) Reelected member of the Board of Director on 14 May 2021.

Regulation and operation

The Remuneration Committee is self-governing and it may appoint a Chair and a Secretary. If no Secretary is appointed, the Secretary of the Board or any of the Deputy Secretaries of the Board shall act as Committee Secretary.

The committee shall meet as often as needed to ensure the full and timely performance of its duties and meetings will be called by its Chairman, either on their own initiative or when requested by 2 members of the committee. The Chairman must call a meeting whenever the Board or its Chairman requests that a report be issued or a resolution carried.

The Committee is validly constituted when a majority of its members are in attendance, and its resolutions are carried by the majority of attending members.


Its duties include the following:

  • Drafting resolutions relating to remuneration and, in particular, reporting and proposing to the Board of Directors the remuneration policy, the system and amount of annual remuneration payable to directors and senior managers, as well as the individual remuneration payable to executive directors and senior managers and the other terms and conditions of their contracts, particularly the financial conditions, and without prejudice to the competences of the Appointments Committee in relation to any conditions it may have proposed that are unconnected with the remuneration side.
  • Ensuring compliance with the remuneration policy for directors and senior managers and reporting on the basic conditions set out in their contracts and on compliance with those contracts.
  • Reporting and preparing the Bank’s general remuneration policy and in particular the policies relating to categories of staff whose professional activities have a significant impact on the Bank’s risk profile and those policies that are intended to prevent or manage conflicts of interest with the Bank’s customers.
  • Analysing, formulating and periodically reviewing the remuneration programmes, weighing their adequacy and performance and ensuring compliance.

For more information on the Remuneration Committee and its duties, please see the section on Regulations of the Board of Directors

For more information access the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Risks Committee

Articles 40 and 14 of the Bylaws and Regulations of the Board of Directors describe the organisation and operation of the Risks Committee.


The Risks Committee shall comprise exclusively non-executive directors who possess the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience to fully understand and manage the Bank’s risk strategy and risk propensity, in the number determined by the Board of Directors, subject to a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6), with a majority of members to be independent directors.

Name and surname Post Nature Date of first appointment
Koro Usarraga Chairwoman Independent

01-02-2018 (1)(2)

Joaquín Ayuso Vocal Independent


Fernando María Ulrich Vocal Other external


María Verónica Fisas Vocal Independent

22-05-2020 (3)

Óscar Calderón Non-director Secretary --


Óscar Figueres First Deputy Secretary (non-director) --


(1) Appointed Chairwoman on 31 March 2023.
(2) Reelected member of the Board of Director on 14 May 2021.
(3) Reelected member of the Board of Director on 22 March 2024.

Head of Risk Management

Name and surname Post Nature Date of first appointment
Natividad Capella Pifarré Director of Corporate Risk Management Function & Planning --

May 16, 2013

Regulation and operation

It meets as often as considered appropriate for the sound performance of its duties and the meetings are convened by the Chair of the Committee, either on his/her own initiative, or when requested by 2 members of the Committee.

The Committee is validly constituted when a majority of its members are in attendance, and its resolutions are carried by the majority of attending members. The Company shall ensure that the Risk Committee is able to fully discharge its functions by having unhindered access to the information concerning the Company's risk position and, if necessary, specialist outside expertise, including external auditors and regulators. The Risk Committee may request the attendance of persons from within the organisation whose work is related to its functions, and it may obtain all necessary advice for it to form an opinion on the matters that fall within its remit.

The committee’s Chairman reports to the Board on the activities and work performed by the committee, doing so at meetings specifically arranged for that purpose or at the immediately following meeting when the Chairman deems this necessary.


Its duties include the following:

  • Advising the Board of Directors on the overall susceptibility to risk, current and future, of the Bank and its strategy in this regard, reporting on the risk appetite framework, helping to monitor implementation of this strategy, ensuring that the Group’s actions are consistent with the level of risk tolerance previously decided and monitoring the appropriateness of the risks assumed and the profile put in place.
  • Proposing to the Board the Group’s risk policy.
  • Determining with the Board of Directors the nature, quantity, format and frequency of the information concerning risks that the Board of Directors should receive and establishing what the committee should receive.
  • Regularly reviewing exposures with main customers, business sectors and by geographic region and type of risk.
  • Examining the information and control processes of the Group’s risk as well as the information systems and indicators.
  • Evaluating regulatory compliance risk within its scope of its remit and decision-making authority, this being understood as the risk management of legal or regulatory sanctions, financial or material loss or any reputational damage the Bank may suffer as a result of non-compliance with laws, rules, regulations, standards and codes of conduct, while also detecting any risk of non-compliance and carrying out monitoring and examining possible deficiencies in the principles of professional conduct.
  • Reporting on new products and services or significant changes to existing ones.

For more information on the Risks Committee and its duties, please see the section on Regulations of the Board of Directors.

For more information access the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee

Article 15 bis of the Regulations of the Board and the applicable regulations describe the organisation and operation of the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee.


The Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee will comprise a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) members.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer will always sit on the committee. The other members will be appointed by the Board of Directors, on the proposal of the Appointments Committee, paying close attention to the knowledge and experience of candidates on those subjects that fall within the committee's remit, such as technology and innovation, information systems and cybersecurity.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall also chair the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee.

Similarly, the Secretary to the Board of Directors shall serve as Secretary of the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee.

Name and surname Post Nature Date of first appointment
Tomás Muniesa Arantegui Chairman Proprietary


Gonzalo Gortázar Vocal Executive

23-05-2019 (1)

Francisco Javier Campo Vocal Independent


Eva Castillo Vocal Independent


Cristina Garmendia Vocal Independent

23-05-2019 (1)

Peter Löscher Vocal Independent


María Amparo Moraleda Vocal Independent

23-05-2019 (1)

Óscar Calderón Non-director Secretary --


Óscar Figueres First Deputy Secretary (non-director) --


(1) Reelected member of the Board of Director on March 31, 2023.

(2) Appointed Chairman on October 30, 2024, with effect from January 1, 2025.

Regulation and operation

The Committee will meet as often as required to discharge its functions and will be called by the committee's Chairman, either on his or her own initiative or when a meeting is requested by 2 or more committee members. The Chairman must always call a meeting when the Board asks it to issue a report or adopt a resolution.

The committee will be validly convened when a majority of members are in attendance.

Resolutions will be carried by a majority of members physically in attendance or represented by proxy, and minutes will be taken of the resolutions carried at each meeting. The minutes will be heard by the Board of Directors and a copy will be sent or delivered to all Board members.


Notwithstanding other duties that may be assigned to it by the Board of Directors, the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee shall have the following basic responsibilities: 

  • Advise the Board of Directors in the implementation of the strategic plan in processes related to digital transformation and technological innovation (the digital strategy), in particular, reporting the plans and projects designed by the Company in this area and the new business models, products, customer relations, etc. that are developed. 
  • Promote a framework for reflection that enables the Board of Directors to identify new business opportunities deriving from technological developments, as well as any potential threats. 
  • Support the Board of Directors in the identification, monitoring and analysis of new entrants and new business models, in addition to the advances, main trends and initiatives in the field of technological innovation, studying the factors that help make certain innovations successful and their transformation capacity.
  • Support the Board of Directors in its analysis of the impact of technological innovation on the market structure, the provision of financial services and customer behaviour. Among other aspects, the Committee will assess the disruptive potential of new technologies, the possible regulatory implications of their development, the impact in terms of cybersecurity and issues related to privacy protection and data use. 
  • Encourage reflection and debate on the ethical and social implications that may arise from the application of new technologies in the banking and insurance business. 
  • Support, in the exercise of their advisory duties, the Risks Committee and the Board of Directors, when they consider it appropriate, in the performance of the functions that these bodies are assigned in relation to the supervision of technological risks and aspects related to cybersecurity.

For more information on the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee, please see the section on Regulations of the Board of Directors.

For more information access the Annual Corporate Governance Report.