The Sustainability Department
The Sustainability Department functions include coordinating the definition, updating and monitoring of the Group's sustainability strategy, as well as updating CaixaBank's Sustainability Action Principles, which are applicable to all employees, executives and members of the governing bodies, ensuring transparency, independence and good governance of the entity and safeguarding the interests of people and our territory.
Sustainability Committee
It meets monthly and is made up of managers from different areas of the bank: Sustainability; General Business Division; CIB and International Banking; Compliance and Control; General Risks Division; Communication and Institutional Relations; Finance; Accounting, Management Control and Capital; General Secretariat; Resources; Human Resources; Internal Audit; CaixaBank Asset Management; VidaCaixa; BPI and ImaginTech.
Functions and objectives
- Supervise the bank's sustainability strategy, monitor the projects and initiatives, and assess their degree of compliance.
- Foster the inclusion of sustainability criteria in the bank's business management.
- Be aware of and analyse the regulatory requirements, trends and best practices in the sector with regard to sustainability.
- Review and approve the information about sustainability to be disclosed to the market.
- Report the agreements reached to the Management Committee.
- Escalate to the Global Risk Committee all matters related to the policies for sustainability risk management, the reporting and monitoring of Risk Appetite Framework (RAF) metrics and the regular information about sustainability risks.
- Validate the fairness of the non-financial indicators in relation to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.
- Sanction any exceptions covered by the Corporate Policy in relation to the Defence sector.
Global Risk Committee
Among its functions, it is responsible for globally managing, controlling, and monitoring, among other things, ESG risks, as well as identifying, measuring, evaluating, managing, mitigating, and properly reporting the exposures identified as relevant for ESG risks.
Management Committee
It is the highest governing body, meeting weekly to make decisions related to the development of the Annual Strategic and Operational Plan, as well as those affecting the organizational life of the Company. Its main function is to develop the key action lines in the area of sustainability.
Additionally, the Group has various specialized Committees, mostly reporting to the Management Committee, which control, supervise, and manage the impacts, risks, and opportunities (IROs) integrated within their respective responsibilities.