Memberships and certifications

In January 2020 we signed our Equality Plan  to further promote equal opportunities and diversity in our workforce, as well as build up the presence of women in management positions and reinforce work-life balance measures.

Check here CaixaBank Equality Plan (available in Spanish) 

This agreement expands our previous Equality Plan, signed in 2011, which positioned us among the leading organisations in Europe in terms of commitment to diversity and transparency.

In this respect, and for the further development of diversity and equal opportunities, at CaixaBank we have embraced the main international principles to foster diversity and we hold certificates that confirm our commitment and determination to improve constantly to make equality a reality.


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Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

In 2018 Caixabank joined the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index , an international index drawn up every year by the American company Bloomberg, specialists in financial information.

This is a compilation of over 230 companies worldwide seeking to raise the profile of organisations that, through transparency, invest in a more equal future for women.

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Family-friendly company certification

Since 2010 we have been certified by the MásFamilia foundation, which recognize best practices in work-life balance, support for equal opportunities and personal development. In 2021 we have obtained the level of Excellence A, becoming the first Spanish financial institution to achieve it .

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"Equality in Business" seal

In 2018 the Spanish ministry of equality's institute for women and equal opportunities awarded us the "Equality in Business" seal in recognition of our steps towards effective equality between men and women.

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7th International Diversity Management Awards 2020  

At CaixaBank we have won for the first time the International Diversity Management Prize in the category of Big companies awarded by the Fundación Diversidad, promoters in Spain of the European Charter for Diversity. This is a recognition of the way we manage diversity and equal opportunities. For this purpose, we prepared a report that includes policies and targets from the Wengage diversity programme, their connection with the Strategic Plan, the groups we work with and for and the indicators of assessment, results, and impact.

Further information  - Available in Spanish


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Diversity Charter

In 2011 CaixaBank signed up to this Charter, promoted at European level, to foster our commitment to the fundamental principles of equality.

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United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles

In 2013 we signed up to the Women's Empowerment Principles and made a public commitment to align our policies to advancing gender equality.

In 2020 we also signed up to the Target Gender Equality initiative of the United Nations Global Compact , which aims to speed up the representation of women in management positions in companies.

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More women, better businesses

In 2018 we also signed a voluntary agreement with the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, "More women, better businesses", for a better representation of women in our management positions.

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Closingap alliance

In 2021 we joined this alliance of companies that acts as a reference cluster in close collaboration between the public and private sectors, analysing the economic and social opportunity cost of gender gaps. 

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Since May 2022, CaixaBank has been a member of REDI, the Spanish non-profit association that promotes an inclusive and respectful environment for LGBTI diversity in the workplace. 

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Diversity Leading Company

Since 2022, CaixaBank has been awarded the Diversity Leading Company seal, a Teams & Talent recognition for our commitment to female leadership and talent, and the promotion and management of diversity.

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Since 2018 CaixaBank has been part of the EJE&CON code of good practices for managing talent and boosting business competitiveness, committed to its principles to build up the presence of women in management positions.

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