18 February 2019   |   min read

'Listen Talk Act', CaixaBank's new corporate claim that expresses closeness, dialogue and commitment to people

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‘Listen Talk Act’, CaixaBank's new corporate claim

‘Listen Talk Act’, CaixaBank's new corporate claim

‘Listen Talk Act’, CaixaBank's new corporate claim

‘Listen Talk Act’, CaixaBank's new corporate claim

  • The new claim aims to draw a cross-cutting and long-lasting picture that is in line with the priorities defined in its new 2019-2021 Strategic Plan.
  • “‘Listen Talk Act’ summarises in three words an attitude and commitment; it defines a personality inspired in and devoted to people”, states the Chairman of CaixaBank, Jordi Gual.
  • “By means of this claim, we want to convey how we relate to customers, starting by listening to them and finding out about their opinion and needs; by speaking to them and, especially, going one step beyond dialogue, that is, by doing things and making things happen”, says the institution's CEO, Gonzalo Gortázar.

CaixaBank launches today its new corporate claim, with which it intends to convey its commitment to people and its distinctive style of banking. ‘Listen Talk Act’ defines the company's differentiating attributes: closeness, dialogue and commitment to people and society.

The new claim picks up where the historical ‘Shall we speak?’ (2002) and ‘You are the star’ (2011) left off, two claims that identified the institution for years and that have now become part of its history. This launching coincides with the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan's kick off and will pair transversally with CaixaBank's communications, contributing to drawing a picture that lives on and epitomises the institution's style.

‘Listen Talk Act’ summarises in three words an attitude and commitment; it defines a personality inspired in and devoted to people”, explains the Chairman of CaixaBank, Jordi Gual. “We have sought to convey our open and close style, focused on our customers' needs and aspirations. But not just that: by means of the word Act, we add our active side while firmly committing to individual and social progress”, he adds.

CaixaBank's CEO, Gonzalo Gortázar, explains, “In an ever-changing environment, where customers are increasingly demanding, interacting with them and offering a different experience becomes as relevant as ever. Therefore, by means of this claim, we want to convey how we relate to customers, starting by listening to them and finding out about their opinion and needs; by speaking to them and, especially, going one step beyond dialogue, that is, doing things and making things happen.”

A relationship of trust

The three chosen words are the foundation of any relationship of trust. They are simple, clear and direct, and they define the CaixaBank brand's DNA. ‘Listen’ is the basis of any relationship and, in this case, CaixaBank's relationship with its customers. The desire to listen involves making an effort to understand them in an empathetic and complicit manner.

‘Talk’ reinforces everybody's need to rely on someone trustworthy with whom to share doubts, desires and projects. It addresses the need for expression as a starting point to advance and progress. The action of talking can be done in person, but technology helps us engage in a dialogue in many other different ways.

Lastly, ‘Act’ means commitment, the commitment to customers and society, the commitment to deliver promises with the concern for personal and social progress. This commitment is reflected in the institution's products and services as well as in its Socially Responsible Banking model.

The process of finding and defining the new claim took eight months and was led by the EM of Communication, Institutional Relationships, Brand and CSR and the GM of Business, through the Marketing department. It also relied on assistance of the Customer Experience, Human Resources and Banking Strategy departments, among others. Over 40 senior executives and 160 customers and non-customers of different ages and with different profiles participated and gave their opinion during the process.

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