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CaixaBank corporate headquarters in Madrid
CaixaBank corporate headquarters in Madrid
The Board of Directors of CaixaBank has accepted the resignation of José Ignacio Goirigolzarri as chairman of the bank, effective from January 1, 2025. From that date, Tomás Muniesa will assume the role as non-executive chairman of CaixaBank.
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri is also voluntarily disengaging from all responsibilities he held within the CaixaBank Group.
Gonzalo Gortázar, CEO of the entity since June 2014, remains as the first executive of CaixaBank, reporting directly to the Board of Directors, and also chairing the Management Committee.
The Board of Directors of CaixaBank has recognized Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri management performance as "enormously positive" and has highlighted his "fundamental contribution in the exemplary and successful integration process of Bankia". Additionally, Gonzalo Gortázar, CEO of CaixaBank, has thanked "José Ignacio's great commitment and dedication" and highlighted "the enormous professional and personal complicity they have maintained over the years".
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, a protagonist in the configuration of the modern Spanish banking system
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, one of the most experienced executives in the Spanish banking sector, has played a key role in the massive transformation process of the sector over the past decades.
In the 1990s and early this century, serving first as general manager of BBV and from 2001, as CEO of BBVA, he successfully led the internationalization process of the entity.
After leaving BBVA, in May 2012, he was appointed chairman of Bankia and its parent entity BFA, during the largest financial crisis in our country's recent history, marking a turning point in the Spanish financial sector, where he faced the challenge and responsibility of restructuring the entity.
In a few years, Bankia went from being considered one of the biggest problems in the European financial system to becoming an efficient, solvent, and profitable entity.
In March 2021, following the merger between CaixaBank and Bankia, Goirigolzarri was appointed chairman of CaixaBank. After successfully executing the Bankia integration, CaixaBank has consolidated its leadership as the top bank in Spain with a profitability that has allowed it to consistently reward its shareholders. In fact, CaixaBank's shares have tripled since the merger with Bankia.
After four years in the position and with the completion of the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan defined after the merger, Goirigolzarri will leave the bank on January 1, 2025. The executive considers his work at the entity finished: "Having completed the largest integration process in the sector in Spain, the bank is in an excellent moment, and I am sure it will have great success in the future. And, at this moment when CaixaBank is starting a new stage, I consider finished a cycle that I started with my incorporation to Bankia in 2012".
Goirigolzarri also expressed gratitude to the Board of Directors and the entire CaixaBank team: "I am extremely grateful for the excellent work that the Board has done to successfully complete this merger, and particularly for the management of Gonzalo Gortázar as CEO. Similarly, the success of the entity cannot be understood without the joint work of the entire CaixaBank team. They are the architects of the achievements reached in these last four years."
Tomás Muniesa, new non-executive chairman of CaixaBank
Tomás Muniesa, vice-chairman of CaixaBank since April 2018, culminates a long career in the entity since he joined in 1976 and where he has performed various responsibilities, providing him great knowledge of the bank's operations and culture, from Human Resources to capital market and ALCO management. Additionally, his role of the insurance group as executive vice-chairman and CEO of VidaCaixa from 1997 to November 2018, stands out.
Tomás Muniesa acknowledged “the great contribution of José Ignacio Goirigolzarri during his period as chairman of CaixaBank” and stated that he assumes the presidency of the entity “with great enthusiasm and also with enormous responsibility and dedication to service”.
Tomás Muniesa, who holds a degree in Business Administration and a Master's in Business Administration from ESADE, was appointed Deputy General Manager in 1992 and in 2011 Director General of the Insurance Group. He currently holds the positions of vice-chairman of CaixaBank, VidaCaixa, and SegurCaixa Adeslas. He is also member of the ESADE Foundation Board and Director of Allianz Portugal.
Previously, he was Chairman of MEFF (Futures and Options Market), Vice-chairman of BME (Bolsas y Mercados Españoles), second vice-chairman of UNESPA, Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Insurance Compensation Consortium, Director of Vithas Sanidad SL, and Alternate Director of the Inbursa Financial Group in Mexico.