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As part of its environmental commitment
imagin, the digital services and lifestyle platform powered by CaixaBank, continues to promote its users' awareness of sustainability by launching a new tool as part of its app enabling imaginers to calculate their carbon footprint. With the CO2 calculator, more than 3.7 million imagin users will be able to measure their impact on the planet.
The new feature of the app allows imaginers, based on their answers to a survey on their lifestyle habits involving food consumption, shopping, home and travel, to accurately calculate their carbon footprint and find out where they stand compared to Spain’s average and to the recommended value. Users will also be able to access content with recommendations and tips to improve their habits, helping them to become more sustainable and further lower their carbon footprint.
This project is part of the set of products, services, content, agreements and initiatives focused on sustainability that imagin, through imaginPlanet, is developing to drive positive impact on the planet and on society as a whole. In order to incentivise the imaginers' involvement in this initiative, imagin will offset 5kg of CO2 for every new user who calculates their carbon footprint leveraging this new tool. This action will also further imagin's commitment to offset 200 tonnes of CO2 in 2022.
New actions and content with a positive impact
Through this initiative, imagin is reinforcing its clear commitment to sustainability, which is one of the tenets of its strategy. imagin's entire business model and organisation is committed to adhering to standards of coherence, driving positive social and environmental change, transparency and innovation.
Furthering this commitment, imagin has launched a new campaign to entice people to direct deposit their salary with sustainability incentives.. This June, for every user who direct deposits their salary, imagin will help remove 10kg of plastics and other ocean waste. imagin is particularly active in initiatives relating to the conservation of seas and oceans, one of the main areas of its environmental action. In recent months, more than a tonne of sea waste has been collected with imagin's Seabins, the floating marine containers that it has installed in different Spanish ports and with are expected to collect up to 10 tonnes of sea waste every year.
Forest protection is another key area in which imagin hopes to have a positive impact on the planet. Last week, as part of the third edition of the imaginPlanet Tour, two influencers biked more than 150 kilometres around the island of Mallorca to promote sustainable spaces and projects on the island. For every kilometre travelled, imagin will plant a tree in a forest in the Valle de Iruelas (Ávila), which in 2019 suffered a fire that severely affected the area's tree cover and its ecosystem. This initiative saw the participation of over 70,000 users in the Strava community.
imagin’s commitment to sustainability has allowed the platform to receive the B Corp seal, which certifies the organisation's compliance with the strictest standards for social and environmental matters, public transparency, and corporate social responsibility to balance financial profits with social goals.
3.7 million imaginers
imagin is a lifestyle platform powered by CaixaBank that offers digital, financial and non-financial services to help its users, mainly people under 30, in their daily lives and future projects. It currently has a community of 3.7 million users, a figure that is constantly growing thanks to the wide range of content and services on offer, largely for free. The significant customer traction has been a result of the easy customer registration and the availability of various levels of engagement, which, unlike with traditional banks, do not necessarily require registering as a financial customer.
imagin's digital content is organised around five major themes: music (imaginMusic), video games (imaginGames), trends (imaginCafé), technology (imaginShop), and sustainability (imaginPlanet). imagin also offers special experiences and benefits related to travel and urban mobility.
The imagin application also offers a range of financial products to meet the savings and financial needs of young people who have entered adulthood and are starting to earn their first income and make their own lifestyle plans. imagin continues to retain the characteristics that have made it a leading bank for young people: mobile-only operations (services are provided exclusively through the app, with no branches and no website, which only serves informative purposes), no fees for the user and with a clear, simple language, especially designed to communicate directly with young people.