21 November 2024   |   min read

CaixaBank will hand out 34,000 gifts to children in vulnerable situations through ‘The Tree of Dreams’ programme

#CaixaBank   |   # Social action   |   #Social
CaixaBank’s ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ has helped  fulfill the wishes of more than 180,000 children at risk of poverty and social exclusion since 2018.

CaixaBank’s ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ has helped fulfill the wishes of more than 180,000 children at risk of poverty and social exclusion since 2018.

CaixaBank’s ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ has helped  fulfill the wishes of more than 180,000 children at risk of poverty and social exclusion since 2018.

CaixaBank’s ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ has helped fulfill the wishes of more than 180,000 children at risk of poverty and social exclusion since 2018.

  • The bank will make use of its branches to send the letters the children write asking for their Christmas wishes. It will reach nearly 5,000 children more than last year
  • Those participating in the initiative can deposit the gifts at their local branch up until 13 December and CaixaBank and the collaborating social entities will ensure they are delivered, so that all children can receive the gift they have asked for
  • Thanks to the more than 2,500 CaixaBank branches that participate in this programme, ‘The Tree of Dreams’ reaches the entire country through more than 360 social entities spanning all autonomous communities, including its delegations, and 350 collaborating businesses


CaixaBank will hand out 34,000 gifts to children in vulnerable situations across the entire country thanks to ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ programme, a charitable initiative that aims to ensure vulnerable children receive the Christmas gifts they asked for in their letters. This year the bank will reach nearly 5,000 children more than last year.

The programme is organised via CaixaBank’s branches, which until 21 November will be accepting letters written by children up to the age of 12 who are at risk of food poverty, belong to broken homes or who live in residential centres.

The bank's customers who wish to take part in the ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ must contact a CaixaBank branch, where they will be assigned one of the letters written by a child, detailing the specific gift that child would like to receive this Christmas. Once the letter has been collected, the participants will have until 13 December to hand the gift in at their branch, the value of which will be limited to 50 euros.

As of that date, CaixaBank and the social entities with which it collaborates in this programme will organise the collection and distribution of the gifts to make these children's dreams a reality, keeping in mind that for many families, this may be the only gift children will be receiving, thanks to the solidarity generated among the bank's customers.

Social entities and companies involved

‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ is an initiative organised by CaixaBank that involves the collaboration of a total of 363 social entities, including its delegations, linked to the fight against child poverty and vulnerability spanning all autonomous communities, as well as benefiting from the support of 350 companies. Thanks to the more than 2,500 branches that participate in this programme, CaixaBank manages to bring ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ to the entire country.

The 2024 edition will be the seventh edition of ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’ and it is forecasted to meet the requests made through 34,026 letters, thus exceeding the record number of children this initiative has benefited in its entire history. Since the first edition in 2018 of ‘The Tree of Dreams (El Árbol de los Sueños)’, CaixaBank has managed to help fulfil the dreams of more than 180,000 children at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

About CaixaBank's Social Action

CaixaBank is a company with a far-reaching vocation for solidarity, in addition to being a socially responsible bank. Its endeavour to serve its customers and society in general is reflected in its backing of initiatives for social action and encouraging volunteering, as a way to meet the challenges posed by society.

CaixaBank's Social Action promotes charitable initiatives, activities and campaigns, some of which include the collaboration of the "la Caixa" Foundation. Thanks to its presence across the entire Spanish territory through its network of branches, the largest in Spain, it can detect local needs and provide much needed help, as well as supporting the "la Caixa" Foundation in channelling financial aid to social organisations. Through its financial activity, the bank also offers services and solutions for all kinds of people.

On the other hand, CaixaBank’s responsible activities have been recognised by leading international bodies. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index ranks it among the best banks in the world in terms of sustainability and the international organisation CDP has included it as a leading company in the fight against climate change. 

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