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For the seventh consecutive year CaixaBank has been included on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), the world’s leading sustainability benchmark, which evaluates the social, environmental and corporate governance performance of companies.
This year CaixaBank secured the top score (100 points) in the categories of financial stability and systemic risk, financial inclusion, and corporate citizenship and philanthropy. DJSI analysts also deemed the bank to perform well in aspects such as information security and cybersecurity, anti-crime policy and measures, and human capital development.
This time around the index analysts selected 27 banks out of a total of 201 financial institutions evaluated around the world, representing close to 14% of the total.
“The results obtained by CaixaBank represent recognition among the international community of our determination to secure ongoing improvements in social, environmental and good governance issues, while also motivating us to continue striving to improve said aspects going forward,” stated Jordi Gual, chairman of CaixaBank.
Meanwhile, Gonzalo Gortázar, CaixaBank’s CEO, said “CaixaBank’s social engagement extends beyond our financial activities. Our social calling drives us to prioritise financial inclusion, sustainable management and transparency in corporate governance, thus also helping to underpin the well-being of society.”
In February, the rating agency that selects companies for the DJSI, RobecoSAM, gave CaixaBank a Bronze Class distinction in its Sustainability Yearbook 2017, confirming the bank’s leadership in sustainability issues.
In 2018 CaixaBank strengthened its standing on other indices that value social, environmental and good governance performance, including the Euronext Vigeo index Eurozone 12, the Euronext Vigeo index Europe 120, the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe, and the FTSE4Good index. The bank also improved its general assessment in the ranking run by the Sustainalytics rating agency, lifting it to the Leader category.