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CaixaBank creates a team of managers specialised in the senior citizens demographic
CaixaBank creates a team of managers specialised in the senior citizens demographic
CaixaBank, faithful to its fundamental values and origins, has created the first team of managers specialised in the demographic of senior citizens over the age of 65, to respond to their specific needs and offer them guidance based on closeness, trust and quality interaction. For this reason, CaixaBank, as the leading bank in this sector with 4.4 million customers, has improved its value proposal with the new figure of the Senior Citizens Adviser, being launched in the Barcelona regional division with a large team of 154 Advisers. Therefore, 151 Store branches in the Barcelona regional division will have at least one of these specialists on hand.
The bank has a clear customer focus, and it offers a banking model that is specialised to customer demographics, with a range of products and services adapted to the needs of every customer profile. As a result, CaixaBank has launched this initiative, which is planned to be extended gradually and progressively across the entire country. Currently, some branches in the regional division of Western Andalusia-Extremadura also have Senior Citizens Advisers. The bank's aim is to end the year with a team of around 500 specialists, who will provide a service to over 500,000 customers all over Spain.
One of the different and distinctive elements of this initiative is that all the managers will receive specific training in gerontology, the science dedicated to the study of the various aspects of old age and the aging of a population, accredited by the University of Barcelona.
With this commitment, CaixaBank has the goal of putting this group centre stage and recognising active aging as a phase full of opportunities, far removed from the stereotypes associated with elderly people such as dependence and deterioration.
Ecosystem of services beyond the financial sphere
This value proposal is intended to go beyond the strictly financial sphere and, through the figure of the Senior Citizens Adviser, it seeks to lend constant support and guidance to facilitate the everyday lives of senior customers.
To meet the needs that this demographic may have, CaixaBank has designed a wide range of specific products and services that form part of a relationship model based on providing support: CaixaBank Séniors. This comprehensive ecosystem offers different financial solutions and solutions for day-to-day issues, as well as the possibility to enjoy exclusive services, such as a 24-hour assistant, a door-to-door handyman, a legal consultation service or medical consultations over the phone. Senior customers can also exclusively benefit from the safety and protection offered by Protección Sénior from Securitas Direct and MyBox Salud Sénior, the health insurance specific to this demographic.
In addition, CaixaBank will periodically organise "CaixaBank Talks Sénior", value-added presentations that address important and relevant issues for this group of customers.
Preferential service at branches for senior customers
CaixaBank, just as it has been doing throughout the state of emergency, will maintain the preferential service in branches for senior customers, giving them a priority service so they do not have to queue. Moreover, CaixaBank has also improved the proof of life checking systems through artificial intelligence techniques to make this procedure easier.