25 November 2024   |   min read

CaixaBank and Microsoft recognize the best female STEM students in in Spain with the WONNOW Awards

#CaixaBank   |   #Diversity   |   #Awards   |   #Wengage
Winners of the 7th edition of the WONNOW Awards with representatives of CaixaBank and Microsoft.

Winners of the 7th edition of the WONNOW Awards with representatives of CaixaBank and Microsoft.

Winners of the 7th edition of the WONNOW Awards with representatives of CaixaBank and Microsoft.

Winners of the 7th edition of the WONNOW Awards with representatives of CaixaBank and Microsoft.

The seventh edition of an initiative aimed at promoting diversity and reducing the gender gap in the technological and scientific fields

  • Carmen Tabuenca, the student awarded as having the best academic record as well as the best professional, personal and social career, has been awarded a cash prize of €10,000 and access to a Microsoft mentoring programme
  • Another 15 students selected for their academic, professional, personal and social excellence will also have access to a Microsoft mentoring programme and will work for six months in key areas within CaixaBank Group's technology teams
  • In the 2024 edition, a total of 1,078 students submitted their candidacy, quadrupling the applications received in the first edition
  • Since its creation in 2018, more than 4,800 students from all over Spain have participated in the WONNOW Awards, which demonstrates the recognition that the awards have achieved within the university field


CaixaBank and Microsoft have awarded the WONNOW Awards to the 16 best scientific and technical female university degree students in Spain for the seventh consecutive year. These awards recognize female excellence in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degrees, with the aim of promoting diversity and contributing to reducing the gender gap in these sectors.

Since its creation in 2018, more than 4,800 students from all over Spain have applied for the WONNOW Awards, and has become a benchmark in the university field. This latest edition broke participation records again, with a total of 1,078 candidacies, over four times  that of the first year.

The percentage of women employed in scientific and technological work out of the total number of women employed in Spain is 5%. In men, that figure reaches 13%. We must continue to work to accelerate the vocation and incorporation of women into STEM fields, which presents enormous job opportunities. 

This is one of the objectives of the WONNOW Awards, whose seventh edition ceremony was held at CaixaBank's all-in-one office in Madrid, which saw the involvement of CaixaBank’s CEO, Gonzalo Gortázar; Eva Fernández, Director of Digital Channels and Innovation at CaixaBank; Silvia Hernández, Director of the Financial Sector and Insurance at Microsoft Spain, and Raquel Hernández, Director of Security Solutions at Microsoft Spain.

In his speech, Gonzalo Gortázar explained that "this initiative aims to recognize and reward the talent of women who opt for scientific and technological careers, studies that are increasingly important to address the global challenges of our society, but in which the female presence is still reduced". CaixaBank’s CEO thanked the winners for the example they set for girls and teenagers to be interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and to continue advancing in equal opportunities.

Silvia Hernández highlighted that "tomorrow's scientists and technologists are sitting in today's classrooms. If we do not promote women's interest in this type of study, it will be difficult to reduce the gender gap in the sector, where new types of professional profiles are increasingly in demand to cover jobs in line with the new reality brought about by digitalisation. At Microsoft, we believe that talent is genderless, and that's why we work to inspire girls, encourage young women, and help recent graduates develop their careers in the STEM world. We must continue promoting actions, such as these WONNOW Awards, that promote women's interest in the world of technology and science".

Better academics records

In 2024, the student with the best academic record, personal, professional and social career has been Carmen Tabuenca Gómez (Pamplona), with a double degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Navarra, who has obtained a financial endowment of €10,000 and access to a Microsoft mentoring programme.

The rest of the award-winning students who will have access to a Microsoft mentoring programme and will work for six months at CaixaBank with an employment contract in key areas such as Digital Transformation & Advanced Analytics, Media and Sustainability, among others, are:

  • Paula Pérez Romero (Cartagena, Murcia), who has completed a double degree in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Granada, as well as a master's degree in Cybersecurity and Data Intelligence at the University of La Laguna, in Tenerife.
  • Olmar Arranz Escudero (Madrid). Graduated with a double degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
  • Ángela Alarcón Ballester (Alicante), who has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Valencia and is currently studying a master's degree in Data Science at the same centre.
  • Sara Cobelo Cabrerizo (Guadalajara), who has completed a degree in Physical Sciences and a master's degree in Theoretical Physics at the Complutense University of Madrid. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in Data Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
  • Carmen Bermejo Navarro (Jerez, Cádiz). She graduated in Mathematics from the University of Cádiz and is currently studying for a master's degree in Big Data & Business Analytics at the Pablo de Olavide University in Sevilla.
  • Silvia Riaño Prado (Roda de Berà, Tarragona), who studied a minor, she has a degree itinerary programmed by the Pompeu Fabra University in Entrepreneurship and is currently a student of the degree in Computer Engineering at the same centre.
  • Paula Pijoan Gros (Madrid), who is currently studying the double degree in Telecommunications and Business Analytics Engineering at the Comillas Pontifical University: Higher Technical School of Engineering (ICAI).
  • Irene Ramiro López (Cáceres), who has completed a double degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
  • Alejandra Hernández Sieber (Madrid), who is currently studying a degree in Mathematics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
  • Alba Cano Lara (Jaén). Graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Jaén and currently studying for a master's degree in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Malaga.
  • Delia Díaz Prieto (Piornal, Cáceres), who studied a degree in Computer Engineering with a specialisation in Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking at the Francisco Vitoria University.
  • Anna Sallés Rius (Barcelona). Double degree in Physical Engineering and Industrial Engineering at the Interdisciplinary Higher Education Centre of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia; and a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the University of Barcelona and the Rovira i Virgili University.
  • Ainhoa Aranda Elvira (Granada), who has completed a degree in Mathematics at the University of Granada and a master's degree in Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence at the University of La Laguna, in Tenerife.
  • Noelia Candal (A Coruña). She has a degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development from the University of A Coruña, and a master's degree in Interaction Design and User Experience (UX/UI) from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).
  • Ana Rojas (Sant Antoni de Calonge, Girona), who has completed a degree in Chemistry (Computational), at the University of Girona and is studying a master's degree in Cybersecurity and Privacy, with a specialization in Systems, at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).

CaixaBank's commitment to diversity

Diversity, meritocracy, equal opportunities and talent recognition are some of the pillars of CaixaBank's corporate culture. Under these premises, the entity works with the commitment to be a benchmark for its employees, encouraging inclusion and participation and promoting projects that promote equality both in the company and in society. In fact, CaixaBank has women in 43% of managerial positions and 40% on the Board of Directors.

CaixaBank’s Wengage diversity program, is a cross-cutting project developed by people from all areas of the bank based on meritocracy and the promotion of equal opportunities, which works to promote and visualize diversity in all its dimensions: gender, functional, generational, LGBTI, cultural, etc. Wengage includes internal measures to involve and raise awareness among all people about the value of diversity, to promote flexibility and work-life balance and to strengthen the role of women, with shortlists in internal promotion processes or female mentoring plans. In addition, CaixaBank is the first company in Spain to obtain AENOR’s certification for its mentoring programme. 

Externally, Wengage also develops initiatives for customers and society, based on promoting diversity in four areas of action: leadership and entrepreneurship, with the organisation of different awards and recognitions for female business leadership (CaixaBank Entrepreneur Award and Self-Employed Professional Woman Award); innovation and education (WONNOW Awards for academic excellence to women in the STEM field); sport (sponsorship of the women's basketball team) and rural environment (AgroBank Chair: Women, business and rural environment, or the study of the gender gap in the agricultural sector of Closingap). 

In addition, CaixaBank has an Equality Plan to promote the principles of equal opportunities and diversity in work teams, promote the presence of women in management positions and strengthen measures to reconcile personal and professional life. It includes, for example, the gender perspective in management development programs and in selection and training processes, promotes teleworking and flexibility. 

About Microsoft

Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT" @microsoft) creates AI-powered platforms and tools to deliver innovative solutions that meet the ever-evolving needs of its customers. The tech company is committed to making AI widely available and doing so responsibly, with a mission to help every person and every organization on the planet do more in their day-to-day lives.

Microsoft is a diverse company in every way. Its mission as a company is inherently inclusive. Internally, the company promotes a culture that allows its employees to connect their energy and passion for technology with this mission. And for this, diversity is crucial.

The company is committed to digitalization and the development of digital skills as the main axis for reimagining Spain, with the aim of taking advantage of technology in an inclusive way, taking into account diversity and talent regardless of gender.

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