Key figures


These are our key details and figures, collected in our last presentation of results:

January - September Change 3Q24 Quarterly change
€ million / % 2024 2023
Net interest income 8,367 7,364 13.6 % 2,794 0.1 %
Revenues from services 3,674 3,538 3.8 % 1,225 (2.2) %
Gross income 11,793 10,689 10.3 % 4,092 (2.7) %
Recurring administrative expenses, depreciation and amortisation (4,563) (4,365)  4.5 % (1,535) 0.9 %
Pre-impairment income 7,230 6,315 14.5 % 2,557 (4.8) %
Pre-impairment income stripping out extraordinary expenses 7,230 6,324 14.3 % 2,557 (4.8) %
Profit/(loss) attributable to the Group 4,248 3,659 16.1 % 1,573 (5.8) %
MAIN RATIOS (Last 12 months)
Cost-to-income ratio 39.2 % 42.7 % (3.5) 39.2 % 0.2
Cost-to-income ratio stripping out extraordinary expenses
39.2 % 42.6 % (3.4) 39.2 % 0.2
Cost of risk (last 12 months) 0.28 % 0.30 % (0.02) 0.28 % (0.01)
14.4 % 11.9 % 2.2 14.4 % 0.0
16.9 % 14.1 % 2.8 16.9 % (0.0)
ROA 0.8 % 0.6 % 0.2 0.8 % 0.0
RORWA 2.2 % 1.9 % 0.4 2.2 % (0.0)

September December   Change   June Quarterly change
2024 2023 2024
Total assets 635,782 607,167  4.7 % 630,371 0.9 %
Equity 37,013 36,339 1.9 % 35,494 4.3 %
Customer funds 673,832 630,330 6.9  % 667,424  1.0 %
Loans and advances to customers, gross 354,507 354,098 0.1 % 361,646 (2.0) %
RISK MANAGEMENT (€ Million; in %)
Non-performing loans (NPL) 10,352 10,516 (164) 10,466 (115)
Non-performing loan ratio 2.7 % 2.7 % (0.0) 2.7 % (0.0)
Provisions for insolvency risk 7,298 7,665 (367) 7,301 (3)
NPL coverage ratio 71 % 73 % (2) 70 % 1
Net foreclosed available for sale real estate assets 1,498 1,582 (84) 1,549 (51)
LIQUIDITY (€ Million; in %)
Total Liquid Assets 178,487 160,204 18,284 167,421 11,067
Liquidity Coverage Ratio  213% 215% (2) 218 % (5)
Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) 148% 144% 5 146 % 2
Loan to deposits 85% 89%


87 % (1)
CAPITAL ADEQUACY (€ Million; in %)
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)  12.2%  12.4% (0.2) 12.2 % 0.0
Tier 1  14.1% 14.4% (0.3) 14.0 % 0.0
Total capital 16.8% 17.1% (0.3) 16.3 % 0.5
MREL 28.3% 26.8% 1.5 26.9 % 1.4
Risk-Weighted Assets (RWAs) 231,934 228,428 3,506 233,736 (1,802)
Leverage Ratio 5.5% 5.8% (0.3) 5.6 % (0.1)
Share price (€/share) 5.364 3.726 1.638 4.943 0.421
Market capitalisation 38,742 27,450 11,292 35,888 2,853
Book value per share (€/share) 5.12 4.93 0.19 4.88 0.24
Tangible book value per share (€/share) 4.38 4.20 0.18 4.15 0.23
Net income attributable per share  (€/share) (12 months) 0.74 0.64 0.09 0.72 0.01
PPER (Price/Profit; times) 7.27 5.78 1.49 6.82 0.45
Tangible PBV (Market value/ book value of tangible assets) 1.05 0.76 0.29 1.01 0.04
OTHER DATA (units)
Employees 45,718 44,863 855 45,349 369
Branches 4,130 4,191 (61) 4,138 (8)
of which: retail branches in Spain 3,571 3,618 (47) 3,574 (3)
ATMs 12,371 12,594 (223) 12,399 (28)