Press release

CaixaBank presents the women's basketball team that will compete in the Paris Olympic Games

Partner and main sponsor of the FEB since 2013

The 17 players called up and the entire coaching staff have been accompanied by María Luisa Martínez, director of Communication and Institutional Relations at CaixaBank; the president of the FEB, Elisa Aguilar; the president of the COE, Alejandro Blanco; and the Secretary of State for Sports, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes.

• The team, led by Miguel Méndez, was presented this morning at CaixaBank's "All in One' branch in Madrid

• The 17 players and the entire coaching staff were accompanied by María Luisa Martínez, Chief Executive of Communications and Institutional Relations at CaixaBank; the FEB’s chairperson, Elisa Aguilar; the COE’s chairperson, Alejandro Blanco; and the Secretary of State for Sport, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes

• María Luisa Martínez, Chief Executive of Communications and Institutional Relations at CaixaBank, stressed that "Spanish women's sport is going through an extraordinary period. There is a wave of commitment and sympathy that transcends sport and brings us closer every day to important values such as respect, equality and inclusion".


For the second consecutive year, CaixaBank, as a partner and official sponsor of the FEB, has hosted at its 'All in One' branch in Madrid the official presentation of the Women's National Basketball Team, which from tomorrow will start preparing for the Paris 24 Olympic Games.

Captain Silvia Dominguez, Alba Torrens, Laura Gil, Leo Rodríguez, Queralt Casas, Leti Romero, María Conde, Laura Quevedo, Maite Cazorla, Paula Ginzo, Andrea Vilaró, Maria Araújo, Lola Pendande, Mariona Ortiz, Nerea Hermosa and Awa Fam and Iyana Martin, who will participate in the first weeks of the training camp, were presented to the media.

This was an event for which the Spanish Basketball Federation took inspiration from the art of the Louvre in Paris to adorn the stage with paintings and pictures of the whole team. The Chief Executive of Communications and Institutional Relations of CaixaBank, María Luisa Martínez Gistau, also took part; as well as the FEB’s chairperson, Elisa Aguilar; the COE’s chairperson, Alejandro Blanco; and the Secretary of State for Sport, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes.

Silvia Dominguez: "I am very excited to be in top condition to tackle the preparation".

"We are starting from scratch, we have to rebuild everything, we come with a very big objective and excitement to be in the Olympics. There is a long way to go, and we are looking forward to it". The captain adds, "I am very excited to be able to be in top condition to face the preparation".

Alba Torrens: "Being in the national team is always special and I am also happy to continue to feel this enthusiasm, because enthusiasm is the engine that drives us."

"I am grateful to have been able to be part of this team. Being in the national team is always special and I am also happy to continue to feel this enthusiasm, because enthusiasm is the engine that drives us. I will keep with me some of the key elements of the team, the commitment, the responsibility of being here, talent combined with hard work and dedication and, of course, believing and dreaming together for another summer”.

Laura Gil: Being here and being able to enjoy the whole process is key. That and always believing, because this team always believes".

 "We really wanted to come back with the national team. Some years ago, we were at the back of the queue, and now, we have come back. It is a privilege to be able to play at the Olympic Games representing your country. Being here and being able to enjoy the whole process is key. That and always believing, because this team always believes."

Queralt Casas: "Raquel Carrera's contribution on the court is evident and she will be sorely missed. She will be on our minds from start to finish."

"The Games is the dream of every athlete, but the preparation is still very long. Advice to young women "enjoy this experience and I am sure that in the not-too-distant future they will be here. They should learn and enjoy their day-to-day life". She dedicated a few words to Raquel Carrera: "What Raquel brings to the court is evident and she will be sorely missed. She will be on our minds from start to finish."

“María Conde: "The Games are a big deal, but before I think about being there, my head is here, on the road that will take us there".

 "I am looking forward to these Games with a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of excitement. The Games are a big deal, but before I think about being there, my head is here, on the road that will take us there". She also talks about her teammate, "Raquel knows that she's in our thoughts and everything that comes out of this will also be because of her as well. We are going to fight for her as well"-

Miguel Méndez: "I feel lucky to be able to be here".

"I feel lucky to be able to be here. I am very grateful to the chairperson for being able to be here and I will listen to all those who have been here longer, both staff and players. Together we will try to create that strategic plan. All the players have worked hard and now we all have an important job to do to create the group that will lead us to compete. We have to prepare a team capable of building a team that will try to compete in Paris, where we will go to the quarterfinals," says coach Miguel Méndez.

María Luisa Martínez Gistau: "You are an example of what can be achieved through hard work and passion"

"From CaixaBank we send you our unconditional support to accompany you on this road to Paris. As our brand purpose states, at CaixaBank we seek to 'Be close to people in everything that matters'. Well, I can think of no better example of closeness than the one you have given us as a basketball team to the fans.  For many years you have shown us what can be achieved with effort, passion, enthusiasm and solidarity. We have always felt very close to you. As sportswomen, as women, as pioneers and as part of a national team capable of representing and inspiring an entire country. We are living through an extraordinary period in Spanish women's sport. There is a wave of commitment and sympathy that transcends sport and brings us a little closer, every day, to important values such as respect, equality and inclusion', said CaixaBank's Chief Executive of Communications and Institutional Relations, María Luisa Martínez Gistau.

Elisa Aguilar: "Enjoy yourselves, because when you are happy with what you do, you become an unstoppable competitive force"

"This team has the responsibility to defend the name of Spanish basketball, to show the world why we occupy a prominent place in the world rankings, staying at the top of the list in Europe, as we have been doing for many years. They will be in Paris because they did so brilliantly at the Pre-Olympics in February, confirming a trend they had already shown at last year's Eurobasket, where they won the silver medal, despite having gone a year without competing internationally. This resurgence is the best demonstration of what and how Spanish women's basketball is, of the pride, courage and talent that our players have been showing for decades to prove those who did not believe in their potential wrong', said the FEB’s chairperson, Elisa Aguilar. She also took the opportunity to end her speech by giving the team some advice: “Enjoy. Compete with the best of your basketball, but don't forget to enjoy yourselves. We have no doubt that you will give your all on the court, because when you are happy in what you do, you become an unstoppable competitive force.

Alejandro Blanco: "This team has everything needed to defend Spain and fight at its best"

"We are on the eve of the Olympic Games and for the first time I think we can exceed the medals in Barcelona, which is Spain's record at an Olympic Games. Now we are facing a great challenge, which is your challenge, and I just want to remind you that in Rio, before the start of the competition, I said that the Women's National Team would be the one to win a medal"

"This team is going to defend Spain and fight at its best. There is a wonderful federation presided over by a former player. We have everything needed to get to Paris and for Spanish women's basketball to be the pride of all Spaniards, who through sport want to defend this great country that is Spain,' said the COE’s chairperson, Alejandro Blanco.

José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes: "I am sure you will give us great joys in the coming weeks"

"This is the start of an exciting journey and there is nothing more valuable in life than listening to people who transmit enthusiasm and passion, as you do. It is always important to know where we come from in order to know where we are. With this I want to recognise the pioneers of Spanish basketball and acknowledge the fundamental value they have. They are an inspiration for the present and for the future. I am sure that in the coming weeks you will give us great joys," said the Secretary of State for Sport, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes.