Press release

CaixaBank and Arval to boost vehicle leases to individuals and sustainable mobility solutions to offer 150,000 new vehicles by 2025

Renting campaign by CaixaBank

• The new agreement establishes the development of a new mobility ecosystem as its main objective, working together with manufacturers, dealerships and end customers.

• The projects will hone in on the digitalisation of the customer experience and the expansion of the product and services catalogue with electric, shared, connected and self-driving mobility solutions.

Barcelona, 22 June 2020. 

CaixaBank, via CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, the subsidiary specialised in consumer financing and payment methods, and Arval, world leader in car leasing and mobility solutions, will continue to work together on innovation in mobility and the creation of new products and services until 2025. Juan Antonio Alcaraz, CaixaBank's chief business officer, and Alain van Groenendael, Arval’s President and CEO, have signed the renewal of the alliance between both companies as partners in the vehicle leasing and mobility solutions business for Spain and Portugal.

Juan Antonio Alcaraz has emphasised that “this new commitment is especially aimed at promoting new mobility alternatives that are more sustainable and adapted to the new and evolving environment, aimed at meeting the needs of each customer, whether it is an individual or a company”. CaixaBank's chief business officer wanted to highlight the importance of the agreement, which he said "will allow for the transformation of mobility alongside a benchmark partner in the vehicle leasing sector, and will help dealerships explore new collective business channels".

Furthermore, Alain van Groenendael stated that, "with this agreement, we are bringing out the best of two worlds; the capillarity and trading potential of CaixaBank, combined with the trajectory and experience of Arval in the world of mobility, in such a way that we can bring society closer towards an environmentally-friendly mobility that is more responsible and closer to the needs of customers who, after all, are the main protagonists of this collaboration”.

Objective: drive the mobility of the future

The new agreement establishes the development of new mobility solutions that offer excellent user experience, particularly through digital channels, as the main objective for the 2021-2025 period. Through this plan, the companies expect to exceed 150,000 vehicles made available and financed between 2021 and 2025. 

To do this, the value proposal for current and potential customers will be extended to include specific products and services related to electric, shared, connected and self-driving mobility options.

At the start of this five-year collaboration period, both companies will jointly develop four major projects to establish the bases and achieve the objectives laid out:

The first point of the agreement will centre around the configuration of a new commercial organisation dedicated to the creation and commercialisation of new products focused on the specific needs of each customer, both individuals and companies. Individuals will be offered specific campaigns that include the sale of second-hand vehicles or the digitalisation of the user experience. Meanwhile, companies will be supported throughout the process via account teams, where a group of advisers from different departments (purchases, insurance, maintenance, etc.) will meet regularly to manage a group of customers, allowing them to be as reactive as possible when managing any requirement or incident. At the same time, they will provide new solutions and services such as carsharing for companies, medium-term leases or other sustainable mobility alternatives.

Secondly, the commercial strategy will be enhanced across digital channels to amplify the dissemination of new products and solutions. CaixaBank and Arval will use the collaboration with the sector to offer exclusive benefits to manufacturers, dealerships and end customers.

The third point extends the commercialisation of second-hand vehicles, derived from Arval's portfolio, among CaixaBank customers in the form of a loan or 'second-renting'. This proposal will also include vehicles provided by dealerships or CaixaBank customers.

Finally, the fourth point will be the leasing offer to all dealerships in Spain to make it easier to finance the acquisition of new vehicles, both by individuals and companies.

Leading vehicle leasing alliance in Spain

With this new collaboration, both companies renew their original agreement from 2010, which positioned CaixaBank and Arval as leaders in the vehicle leasing business of in Spain.

This agreement brought about the commercialisation of vehicles by CaixaBank, with Arval providing the final product with a high level of quality and competitiveness. At the same time, CaixaBank extended the business for leasing capital goods and real estate. This process allowed it to strengthen and develop financing to businesses, which is essential for their evolution and innovation.

Continuing with the process of constant renovation and the search for improvement and innovation, in 2017, Arval and CaixaBank joined forces, together with Global Payments, Samsung and Visa, to continue innovating in the Payment Innovation Hub, the first specialised commerce and payments innovation hub in Spain.

CaixaBank Payments & Consumer focused on specific solutions for customers

CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, 100% subsidiary of CaixaBank, is the leading company in consumer financing and payment methods in Spain.

The company's mission hones in on developing solutions that offer the best payment experience and facilitate the financing of customers' projects and dreams, in a simple, agile and responsible way, through own channels as well as agreements with major commercial distributors.

CaixaBank Payments & Consumer also works to accelerate the digital transformation and technological capacities of the company.

Arval Service Lease, a company specialised in full-service vehicle leasing, provides flexible, easy and sustainable mobility solutions to all its customers and has a financed fleet of more than 1.3 million vehicles in the 30 countries where it operates. Arval was founded in 1989 and is 100% owned by BNP Paribas.

It has been present in Spain since 1996, and has more than 750 employees. The total number of financed vehicles in Spain is higher than 150,000 units, which makes it the top nationwide leasing operator.