Annual Corporate Governance Report

Corporate Governance Structure

Management and Administration of the Company

At CaixaBank, the management and control functions in the Company are distributed among the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors, and its committees:




Executive Committee
Appointments and Sustainability Committee
Risk Committee
Remuneration Committee
Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee
Resource 9
Audit and Control Committee
Resource 4 Resource 5



Blue arrow


Grey arrow

Reports to/

Key indicators at 2023 year-end

Board of Directors indicators

Board of Directors at end of 2023 - Members of the Board of Directors of Caixabank

20 % Proprietary directors
80 % Non-proprietary directors
13 % Criteria-FB "La Caixa"
13 % Executive Directors
7 % Other external directors
60 % Independent Directors

Directors in each category, as at 31 december



Independent directors


Proprietary directors


Executive Directors


Other External Director

In the last few years, the presence of independent directors (see graphic) and the gender diversity of the Board has progressively increased, and the target set in Recommendation 15 of the GCBG of having at least 40% female directors on the Board has been reached ahead of schedule as of the AGM in May 2020: (C.1.4):

Evolution of Independence

44% 43% 60% 60% 60%

Performance in gender diversity





Other external

Number of women Directors % of total Directors of each category
Financial year 2023 Financial year 2022 Financial year 2021 Financial year 2020 Financial year 2023 Financial year 2022 Financial year 2021 Financial year 2020
Executive - - - - 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Proprietary 1 1 1 2 33,33 33,33 33,33 28,57
Independent 5 5 5 4 55,55 55,55 55,55 66,67
Other external - - - - 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Total 6 6 6 6 40,00 40,00 40,00 42,86

Board meetings

CaixaBank's Board of Directors met 14 times in 2023

14number of meetings

of the Board.
Nota: Adicionalmente el Consejo tomó acuerdos en el mes de septiembe, por escrito y sin sesión.

12number of meetings

of the Remuneration Committee.

2number of meetings

of the Lead Independent Director held without the attendance of the executive directors.

14number of meetings

of the Risk Committee.

14number of meetings

of the Audit and Control Committee.

22number of meetings

of the Executive Committee.

5number of meetings

of the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee.

14number of meetings

attended in person by at least 80% of directors.

12number of meetings

of the Appointments and Sustainability Committee.

98.56% attendance

in-person in terms of the total votes during the year.

98.56% of votes cast

at in situ meetings or with representations made with specific instructions out of all votes cast during the year.

11number of meetings

with in-person attendance, or proxies with specific instructions, of all the directors.

Note: During 2023, no Board meetings were held without the Chairman's attendance.

Individual attendance of directors at Board meetings during 2023 (*)


Fees and commissions
Board Executive Committee Audit and Control Committee Appointments and Sustainability Committee Remuneration Committee Risks Committee Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee
Average attendance 99 % 95 % 98 % 92 % 100 % 99 % 100 %
Individual attendance Average individual attendance
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri 14/14 22/22 5/5 100 %
Tomás Muniesa 14/14 22/22 14/14 100 %
Gonzalo Gortázar 14/14 21/22 5/5 98 %
Joaquín Ayuso 14/14 12/12 14/14 100 %
Francisco Javier Campo (A) 14/14 13/12 10/12 4/4 93 %
Eva Castillo(B) 13/14 17/22 7/7 5/5 88 %
Fernando María Ulrich 14/14 11/12 13/14 95 %
María Verónica Fisas(C) 14/14 6/6 14/14 100 %
Cristina Garmendia 14/14 14/14 12/12 5/5 100 %
John S. Reed(D) 4/4 4/4 100 %
Peter Löscher(E) 8/8 6/7 3/3 94 %
María Amparo Moraleda(F) 13/14 21/22 11/12 5/5 5/5 95 %
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz(G) 13/14 15/16 13/14 12/12 4/4 95 %
Teresa Santero 14/14 14/14 100 %
José Serna 14/14 14/14 12/12 100 %
Koro Usarraga(H) 14/14 22/22 4/4 7/7 14/14 100 %

A Francisco Javier Campo was appointed a member of the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee on 31/03/2023

B Eva Castillo was appointed member and chair of the Remuneration Committee on 31/03/2023

C María Verónica Fisas was a member of the Executive Committee until 31/03/2023.

D John S. Reed resigned as a member of the Board of Directors effective 31/03/2023

E Peter Löscher was appointed a member of the Board of Directors and a member of the Nomination and Sustainability Committee and the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee on 31/03/2023.

F María Amparo Moraleda was a member of the Remuneration Committee until 31/03/2023

G Eduardo Javier Sanchiz was appointed a member of the Executive Committee on 31/03/2023, and was a member of the Risk Committee until 31/03/2023

H Koro Usarraga was a member of the Audit and Control Committee until 31/03/2023 and was appointed member of the Remuneration Committee on 31/03/2023.

Distribution of the education of members of the Board of Directors

Law Economics, business Mathematics, physics, engineering, other science degrees Other university degrees
4 0 13 4

Distribution of the experience of members of the Board of Directors

12 Other(USA,Latin America)
6 In Banking / financial sector
10 Other sectors
15 Credit institutions
11 Financial markets (other)
3 Academicand research sector
6 Public Service/Relations with Regulators
15 Corporate governance (including membership on governing bodies)
12 Audit
12 Risk management/compliance
5 Innovation and Technology
3 Environment, Climate Change
14 Spain
9 Portugal
10 Rest of Europe
(including European institutions)

Caixabank Board of Directors competencies 2023

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri Tomás Muniesa Gonzalo Gortázar Eduardo Javier Sanchiz Joaquín Ayuso Francisco Javier Campo Eva Castillo Fernando María Ulrich María Verónica Fisas Cristina Garmendia María Amparo Moraleda Peter Löscher Teresa Santero José Serna Koro Usarraga
Position and category Executive Chairman Proprietary Deputy Chairman CEO Lead Independent Director Independent Independent Independent Other External Independent Independent Independent Independent Propietary Propietary Independent
Training Law
Business studies
Mathematics, physics, engineering, other science degrees
Other university degrees
Senior management experience (Senior management board or senior management) In Banking/Financial Sector
Other sectors
Experience in the financial sector Credit institutions
Financial markets (other)
Other experience Academic and research sector
Public Service/Relations with Regulators
Corporate governance (including membership of governing bodies)
Risk management/compliance
Innovation and Technology
Environment, Climate Change
International experience Spain
Rest of Europe (including European institutions)
Other (USA, Latin America)
Diversity of gender, geographical origin, age Gender diversity
Age 69 71 58 67 68 68 61 71 59 61 59 66 64 81 66

Details of the Company's directors

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri Tomás Muniesa Gonzalo Gortázar1 Eduardo Javier Sanchiz Joaquín Ayuso Francisco Javier Campo Eva Castillo Fernando María Ulrich María Verónica Fisas Cristina Garmendia Peter Löscher M. Amparo Moraleda Teresa Santero José Serna Koro Usarraga
Director category Executive Proprietary Executive Independent Independent Independent Independent Other External2 Independent Independent Independent Independent Proprietary Proprietary Independent
Position on the Board Chairman Deputy Chairman CEO Lead independent director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director
Date of first appointment 03/12/2020 01/01/2018 30/06/2014 21/09/2017 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 25/02/2016 05/04/2019 31/03/2023 24/04/2014 03/12/2020 30/06/2016 14/05/2021
Date of last appointment 03/12/2020 08/04/2022 31/03/2023 08/04/2022 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 22/05/2020 31/03/2023 31/03/2023 31/03/2023 03/12/2020 14/05/2021 14/05/2021
Election procedure AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution Acuerdo Junta General de Accionistas AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution
Year of birth 1954 1952 1965 1956 1955 1955 1962 1952 1964 1962 1957 1964 1959 1942 1957
Mandate end date 03/12/2024 08/04/2026 31/03/2027 08/04/2026 03/12/2024 03/12/2024 03/12/2024 03/12/2024 22/05/2024 31/03/2027 31/03/2027 31/03/2027 03/12/2024 14/05/2025 14/05/2025
Nationality Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Portuguese Spanish Spanish Austrian Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

1 It has been delegated all powers delegable by law and the By-laws, without prejudice to the limitations established in the Regulations of the Board, which apply at all times for internal purposes. (C.1.9)
2 Fernando Maria Ulrich was classified as another external director, neither proprietary nor independent, in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of article 529 duodecies of the Corporate Enterprises Act and article 19.5 of the Regulations of the Board of Directors. He has been the Non-Executive Chairman of Banco BPI, S.A. since 2017.

Indicators for Board of Directors committees

Executive Committee

Distribution of committee members by category
(% of total committee members)

% of executive Directors 28,57
% of proprietary Directors 14,29
% of independent Directors 57,14


In 2023 the Committee held 22 sessions, none of which were held exclusively by telematic means.

No. of meetings in 20231 % Attendance 2023
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri 22/22 100
Tomás Muniesa 22/22 100
Gonzalo Gortázar 21/22 95,45
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz* 15/16 93,75
Eva Castillo 17/22 77,27
María Amparo Moraleda 21/22 95,45
Koro Usarraga 22/22 100

1 This column only shows in-person and remote attendance by telematic means. Regarding the number of meetings, when the director has been appointed as a member of the committee during the fiscal year, only the meetings from the date of appointment are calculated.
* Nominate member of the Committee on 31/03/2023.
Note: María Verónica Fisas was a member of this Committee until 31/03/2023

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report .

Appointments and Sustainability Committee

Distribution of committee members by category
(% of total committee members)

% of independent directors 80,00
% of other external directors 20,00


In 2023, the Commission met in 12 sessions, 11 held exclusively online and 1 in person.


No. of meetings in 20231 % Attendance 2023
María Amparo Moraleda 11/12 91,66
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz 12/12 100
Francisco Javier Campo 10/12 83,33
Fernando María Ulrich 11/12 91,66
Peter Löscher* 6/7 85,71

1En esta columna se reflejan exclusivamente las asistencias presenciales, tanto físicas como a distancia por medios telemáticos. En cuanto al número de reuniones, cuando el consejero ha sido nombrado miembro de la comisión durante el ejercicio sólo se computan las reuniones a partir de su nombramiento.
* Nombrado miembro de la Comisión el 31/03/2023 y aceptado su cargo en fecha 15 de mayo de 2023, tras haber recibido la comunicación del Banco Central Europeo sobre su idoneidad para el ejercicio del cargo de consejero.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report .

Audit and Control Committee

Distribution of committee members by category
(% of total committee members)

% of proprietary Directors 40,00
% of independent Directors 60,00


In 2023, the Committee held a total of 14 sessions. During the said year, no sessions were held exclusively by telematic means.

Member No. of meetings in 20231 % Attendance 2023
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz 13/14 93
Francisco Javier Campo 13/14 93
Cristina Garmendia 14/14 100
Teresa Santero 14/14 100
José Serna 14/14 100

1This column only shows in-person and remote attendance by telematic means. Regarding the number of meetings, when the director has been appointed as a member of the committee during the fiscal year, only the meetings from the date of appointment are calculated..

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report .

Remuneration Committee

Distribution of committee members by category
(% of total committee members)

% of proprietary Directors 20,00
% of independent Directors 80,00


In 2023, the Committee met in 12 sessions, 10 of which were held exclusively by telematic means except for 2 in-person session.

Member No. of meetings in 20231 % Attendance 2023
Eva Castillo* 7/7 100
Joaquín Ayuso 12/12 100
Cristina Garmendia 12/12 100
José Serna 12/12 100
Koro Usarraga** 7/7 100

1This column only shows in-person and remote attendance by telematic means. Regarding the number of meetings, when the director has been appointed as a member of the committee during the fiscal year, only the meetings from the date of appointment are calculated.
* Nominated member and chairwoman of the Committee on 31/03/2023.
* Nominated member of the Committee on 31/03/2023.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report .

Risk Committee

Distribution of committee members by category
(% of total committee members)

% of proprietary Directors 20,00
% of independent Directors 60,00
% of other external Directors 20,00


In 2023, the Committee held a total of 14 sessions. During the said year, no sessions were held exclusively by telematic means.

Member No. of meetings in 20231 % Attendance 2023
Koro Usarraga  14/14 100
Tomás Muniesa 14/14 100
Joaquín Ayuso  14/14 100
Fernando María Ulrich  13/14 92,85
María Verónica Fisas 14/14 100

1This column only shows in-person and remote attendance by telematic means. Regarding the number of meetings, when the director has been appointed as a member of the committee during the fiscal year, only the meetings from the date of appointment are calculated.
Note: Eduardo Javier Sanchiz was a member of this Committee until 31/03/2023.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report .

Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee

Distribution of committee members by category
(% of total committee members)

% of executive Directors 28,57
% of independent Directors 71,43


In 2023, the Committee held a total of 5 meetings.

Member No. of meetings in 20231 % Attendance 2023
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri 5/5 100
Gonzalo Gortázar 5/5 100
Francisco Javier Campo* 4/4 100
Eva Castillo 5/5 100
Cristina Garmendia 5/5 100
Peter Löscher** 3/3 100
María Amparo Moraleda 5/5 100

1This column only shows in-person and remote attendance by telematic means. Regarding the number of meetings, when the director has been appointed as a member of the committee during the fiscal year, only the meetings from the date of appointment are calculated.
* Nominate member of the Committee on 31/03/2023.
**Appointed member of the Committee on 31/03/2023 and accepted his appointment on 15 May 2023, after having received the communication from the European Central Bank on his suitability to hold the office of director..

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report .

Key indicators on the Auditor and its fees

Number of consecutive years PWC has been Caixabank's statutory auditor





% of years audited by PWC out of total years audited (C.134)





CaixaBank Subsidiaries Total group
Amount of non-audit work (€m) 1,316 222 1,538
% Amount of non-audit work / Amount of audit work 45% 6% 24%

Note: The ratio indicated (24%) has been determined for the purpose of preparing the Annual Corporate Governance Report on the basis of the audit fees for the financial year 2023. For its part, the regulatory ratio determined on the basis of the  provisions of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on specific requirements for the statutory audit of public interest entities in Article 4 (2) thereof, estimated on the basis of the average audit fees for the previous 3 financial years, amounts to 27% (see Note 37 to the consolidated financial statements).

Corporate Governance Structure

Management and Administration of the Company

At CaixaBank, the management and control functions in the Company are distributed among the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors, and its committees:




Executive Committee
Appointments and Sustainability Committee
Risk Committee
Remuneration Committee
Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee
Resource 9
Audit and Control Committee
Resource 4 Resource 5



Blue arrow


Grey arrow

Reports to/

Key indicators at 2022 year-end

Board of Directors indicators

Board at 2022 year-end - Categories of members of the CaixaBank Board of Directors

20% Proprietary directors
80% Non-proprietary directors
13% Criteria-La Caixa BF
13% Executive Directors
7% Other external directors
60% Independent Directors

Directors in each category, as at 31 December



Independent directors


Proprietary directors


Executive Directors


Other External Director

In the last few years, the presence of independent directors and the gender diversity of the Board has progressively increased, and the target set in Recommendation 15 of the GCBG of having at least 40% female directors on the Board has been reached ahead of schedule as of the AGM in May 2020.

Performance in independence

50% 50% 44% 43% 60% 60%

Performance in gender diversity





Other external

Number of women Directors % of total Directors of each category
Financial year 2022 Financial year 2021 Financial year 2020 Financial year 2019 Financial year 2022 Financial year 2021 Financial year 2020 Financial year 2019
Executive - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Proprietary 1 1 2 2 33.33 33.33 28.57 25.00
Independent 5 5 4 4 55.55 55.55 66.67 57.14
Other external - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 6 6 6 6 40.00 40.00 42.86 37.50

Board meetings

CaixaBank's Board of Directors met 14 times in 2022.

14number of Board


9number of meetings

of the Remuneration Committee.

0number of meetings

of the Board without the Chairman’s attendance.

13number of meetings

of the Risk Committee.

2number of meetings

of the Lead Independent Director held without the attendance of the executive directors.

22number of meetings

of the Executive Committee.

13number of meetings

of the Audit and Control Committee.

14number of meetings

attended in person by at least 80% of directors.

5number of meetings

of the Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee.


% of in-person attendance in terms of the total votes during the year.

11number of meetings

of the Appointments and Sustainability Committee. Note: In addition, the Committee adopted resolutions in April in writing without a meeting.

9number of meetings

with in-person attendance, or proxies with specific instructions, of all the directors.

14 Number of meetings attended in person by at least 80% of directors. 97.62% % of in situ attendance in terms of the total votes during the year.
9 Number of meetings in situ or representations made with specific instructions of all directors. 97.62% Of votes issued at in situ meetings or with representations made with specific instructions out of all votes cast during the year.

Individual attendance of directors at Board meetings during 2022)


% of votes issued at in situ meetings or with representations made with specific instructions out of all votes cast during the year.

_Individual attendance of directors at Board meetings during 2022 (*)

Attendance/no. of meetings Proxy (without voting instructions in all cases in 2022) Attendance by remote means
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri 14/14 0 0
Tomás Muniesa 14/14 0 0
Gonzalo Gortazar 14/14 0 0
John S. Reed 13/14 1 8
Joaquín Ayuso 14/14 0 2
Francisco Javier Campo 14/14 0 0
Eva Castillo 14/14 0 1
Fernando María Ulrich 13/14 1 2
María Verónica Fisas 14/14 0 2
Cristina Garmendia 14/14 0 1
María Amparo Moraleda 12/14 2 1
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz 13/14 1 2
Teresa Santero 14/14 0 1
José Serna 14/14 0 2
Koro Usarraga 14/14 0 1

* Proxies during 2022 made without voting instructions.

Distribution of the education of members of the Board of Directors

Law Economics, business Mathematics, physics, engineering, other science degrees Other university degrees
4 1 12 5

Distribution of the experience of members of the Board of Directors

12 Other (USA, Latin America)
7 In Banking / financial sector
9 Other sectors
15 Credit institutions
11 Financial markets (other)
3 Academic and research sector
6 Public Service/Relations with Regulators
15 Corporate governance (including membership on governing bodies)
12 Audit
12 Risk management/compliance
5 Innovation and Technology
3 Environment, Climate Change
14 Spain
9 Portugal
10 Rest of Europe (including European institutions)

Matrix of the CaixaBank Board of Directors 2022

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri Tomás Muniesa Gonzalo Gortazar1 John S. Reed Joaquín Ayuso Francisco Javier Campo Eva Castillo Fernando María Ulrich María Verónica Fisas Cristina Garmendia María Amparo Moraleda Eduardo Javier Sanchiz Teresa Santero José Serna Koro Usarraga
Position and category Executive Chairman Proprietary Vice-Chairman CEO Lead Independent Director Independent Independent Independent Other External Independent Independent Independent Independent Proprietary Proprietary Independent
Education Law
Business studies
Mathematics, physics, engineering, other science degrees
Other university degrees
Senior management experience (Senior management board or senior management) In Banking/Financial Sector
Other sectors
Experience in the financial sector Credit institutions
Financial markets (other)
Other experience Academic and research sector
Public Service/Relations with Regulators
Corporate governance (including membership of governing bodies)
Risk management/compliance
Innovation and Technology
Environment, Climate Change
International experience Spain
Rest of Europe (including European institutions)
Other (USA, Latin America)
Diversity of gender, geographical origin, age Gender diversity
Age 68 70 57 83 67 67 60 70 58 60 58 66 63 80 65

Details of the Company's directors

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri Tomás Muniesa Gonzalo Gortazar1 John S. Reed Joaquín Ayuso Francisco Javier Campo Eva Castillo Fernando María Ulrich María Verónica Fisas Cristina Garmendia María Amparo Moraleda Eduardo Javier Sanchiz Teresa Santero José Serna Koro Usarraga
Director category Executive Proprietary Executive Independent Independent Independent Independent Other External2 Independent Independent Independent Independent Proprietary Proprietary Independent
Position on the Board Deputy Chairman CEO Lead independent director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director
Date of first appointment 03/12/2020 01/01/2018 30/06/2014 03/11/2011 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 25/02/2016 05/04/2019 24/04/2014 21/09/2017 03/12/2020 30/06/2016 14/05/2021
Date of last appointment 03/12/2020 08/04/2022 05/04/2019 05/04/2019 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 22/05/2020 05/04/2019 05/04/2019 08/04/2022 03/12/2020 14/05/2021 14/05/2021
Election procedure AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution AGM resolution
Year of birth 1954 1952 1965 1939 1955 1955 1962 1952 1964 1962 1964 1956 1959 1942 1957
Mandate end date 03/12/2024 08/04/2026 05/04/2023 05/04/2023 03/12/2024 03/12/2024 03/12/2024 03/12/2024 22/05/2024 05/04/2023 05/04/2023 08/04/2026 03/12/2024 14/05/2025 14/05/2025
Nationality Spanish Spanish Spanish American Spanish Spanish Spanish Portuguese Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

Indicators for Board of Directors committees

Executive Committee

Distribution of committee members by category

% of executive Directors 28.57
% of proprietary directors 14.29
% of independent directors 57.14


In 2022 the Committee held twenty-two sessions, none of which were held only remotely.

No. of meetings in 20221 22
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri 22/22
Tomás Muniesa 22/22
Gonzalo Gortazar 22/22
Eva Castillo 21/22
María Verónica Fisas 22/22
María Amparo Moraleda 20/22
Koro Usarraga 22/22

1The first figure refers to the number of meetings attended by the director and the second to the number of meetings held in 2022.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Appointments and Sustainability Committee

Distribution of committee members by category

% of independent directors 80.00
% of other external directors 20.00


In 2022, the Committee met in 11 sessions held only remotely. In addition, a meeting of the Committee took place in writing and without a session.

No. of meetings in 20221 11
John S. Reed 11/11
Francisco Javier Campo 10/11
Fernando María Ulrich 11/11
María Amparo Moraleda2 9/11
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz 10/11

1The first figure refers to the number of meetings attended by the director and the second to the number of meetings held in 2022.

2Appointed on 17 February 2022.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Audit and Control Committee

Distribution of committee members by category

% of proprietary directors 33.33
% of independent directors 66.67


In 2022, the Committee held a total of 13 sessions. During the said year, no sessions were held only remotely.

No. of meetings in 20221 13
Koro Usarraga 13/13
Francisco Javier Campo 12/13
Cristina Garmendia 13/13
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz 12/13
Teresa Santero 13/13
José Serna 13/13

1The first figure refers to the number of meetings attended by the director and the second to the number of meetings held in 2022.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Remuneration Committee

Distribution of committee members by category


% of proprietary directors 25.00
% of independent directors 75.00


In 2022, the Committee met in 9 sessions, all of which were held only remotely except for one in-person session.

No. of meetings in 20221 9
María Amparo Moraleda 9/9
Joaquín Ayuso 9/9
Cristina Garmendia 9/9
José Serna 8/9

1The first figure refers to the number of meetings attended by the director and the second to the number of meetings held in 2022.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Risk Committee

Distribution of committee members by category

% of proprietary directors 16.67
% of independent directors 66.67
% of other external directors 16.67


In 2022, the Committee met in 13 sessions, one of which was held only remotely.

No. of meetings in 20221 13
Eduardo Javier Sanchiz 12/13
Joaquín Ayuso  12/13
Fernando María Ulrich  13/13
María Verónica Fisas 13/13
Tomás Muniesa 13/13
Koro Usarraga  13/13

1The first figure refers to the number of meetings attended by the director and the second to the number of meetings held in 2022.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Innovation, Technology and Digital Transformation Committee

Distribution of committee members by category

% of executive Directors 40.00
% of independent directors 60.00


In 2022, the Committee held a total of 5 sessions.

No. of meetings in 20221 5
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri 5/5
Gonzalo Gortazar 5/5
Eva Castillo 5/5
Cristina Garmendia 5/5
María Amparo Moraleda 5/5

1The first figure refers to the number of meetings attended by the director and the second to the number of meetings held in 2022.

For further information, see the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Key indicators on the Auditor and its fees

Number of consecutive years PWC has been Caixabank's statutory auditor





Years audited by PWC out of total years audited





CaixaBank Subsidiaries Total group
Amount of non-audit work (€m) 900 288 1,188
% Amount of non-audit work / Amount of audit work 34% 8% 19%

Note: The ratio indicated (19%) has been determined for the purpose of preparing the Annual Corporate Governance Report on the basis of the audit fees for the financial year 2022. For its part, the regulatory ratio determined on the basis of the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on specific requirements for the statutory audit of public interest entities in Article 4(2) thereof, estimated on the basis of the average audit fees for the previous 3 financial years, amounts to 26% (see Note 35 to the consolidated financial statements).